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19/06/02 Major initiative unveiled as alliance ONEWORLD members deepen links

A series of key new initiatives was unveiled by oneworld - the global airline alliance comprising:

- Aer Lingus

- American Airlines

- British Airways

- Cathay Pacific Airways

- Finnair

- Iberia

- LanChile

- Qantas

as it accelerates deepening the levels of co-operation between its members to deliver more benefits for customers and shareholders. The new steps include:

- A major extension of alliance activity, beyond the traditional passenger business, into the areas of cargo, engineering and maintenance, insurance, flight operations training and revenue accounting, where significant savings are expected to be achieved in these areas by the eight carriers.

- Three new types of ticket, with another three to follow in the next few months, as oneworld aims to build on its reputation as the most innovative of the global groupings in this arena and increase the hundreds of millions of US dollars generated for its member alliance through alliance fares.

- New flights between oneworld hubs, improving connections between member airlines' networks and making travel smoother and more convenient across the alliance's 571-destination map.

- A significant expansion of code-sharing between the alliance's members.

- The launch of e-ticket interlining, making it simpler for passengers to transfer between oneworld carriers using latest forms of travel ticketing.

- What could be the biggest corporate sales contract won by any of the global airline alliances with a leading US-based IT multinational, for its global air travel needs, worth US$40 million a year.

- Expansion of oneworld's lead as the most international of the global airline alliances, with its network serving 135 territories and countries, 11 more than its nearest rival.

These latest developments were announced as the Chief Executives of the eight carriers; Aer Lingus, American Airlines, British Airways, Cathay Pacific, Finnair, Iberia, LanChile and Qantas, gathered in Hong Kong for the latest meeting of the alliance's Governing Board.

As oneworld marks the second anniversary of Aer Lingus and LanChile joining the alliance, it is adding more value than ever before to its members. Its eight airlines already expected to benefit by almost US$1 billion this year from the various relationships between them - through revenue generation and feed, and savings from joint purchasing and shared airport and city facilities.

Peter Buecking, oneworld's Managing Partner, said: "The developments we are announcing are the result of a manageable-sized grouping of well established partners committed to and capable of working together to the benefit of their companies, their customers and the employees. By building a stronger alliance, our members are also making their individual companies stronger at this difficult time for our industry, while, at the same time, creating enhanced services for their customers.

"oneworld's aim is simple: To establish the world's best airline alliance. We will do so by working harder and smarter than the rest to offer the overall best customer services and products and to generate even more value for our members, by helping them reduce costs and earn more revenue."

11/06/02 The International Union of Railways (UIC - Union Internationale des Chemins de fer) presented the 2001 figures for rail traffic around the world

Passenger traffic growth of 0.6% in Western European, though down 3.4% in the CEEC (Central and Eastern European Countries) region. European high speed traffic up by 7.8%. The new US high speed train service Acela consolidates its presence in the US, and passenger traffic rises by 4.1% in Asia.

Railfreight loses 3.3% in Western Europe and 1.8% in CEECs, while European combined transport is down 2.3%. Railfreight growth of 1% reported in the US, 4.5% in Africa and 5 to 6% in India and China.

Reporting on rail sector activities in 2001, UIC Chairman Etienne Schouppe, Chief Executive of SNCB, commented on the results posted by railway companies across the five continents. In his words, "rail transport has never had so many clearly demonstrated advantages recognised by public opinion and decision-makers, but these assets have to be translated into genuine inroads" on all transport markets around the world.

In the passenger sector, 2001 saw Western European railways record a very slight overall increase of 0.6% in passenger-kilometre terms, while high speed traffic rose by an encouraging 7.8%, to reach 64 billion passenger-kilometres. The trend in Central and Eastern Europe was however downwards, with passenger-kilometres dropping by 3.4%.

Looking beyond Europe, the new US high speed train service Acela grew by 26%, chiefly on the back of a major shift away from air transport. The Japanese rail sector (JR Group) posted a slight increase of 0.1% in traffic, after several years of decline. Asia as a whole recorded rail passenger traffic growth of 4.1%, with strong performances in India and China.

The picture in the European freight sector is less encouraging, with a decline of 3.3% in tonne-kilometres in the west and 1.8% lost in the CEEC region. After years of sustained growth, the European combined transport sector dropped 2.3% for the first time.

Against this backdrop, Mr Schouppe recapped on the main activities being undertaken by UIC in a bid to enhance the performance and quality of international freight transport. On a more positive note, railfreight continues to gain ground on other continents, with 1% added in the US, 5-6% in China and India and 4.5% in Africa, the latter driven primarily by the strong results posted by the South African railway company Spoornet

The UIC was founded in 1922, with the aim of creating uniform conditions for the establishment and operation of railways. Today it is the worldwide organisation for cooperation among railway companies. Its activities encompass all fields related to the development of rail transport.

UIC has prepared an ambitious action plan, the UIC Rail Plan, which aims to make the railway one of the most efficient and popular transport modes.

The UIC maintains and develops the overall coherence of the railway system and enhances interoperability in order to improve railway competitiveness.

ALAF - the Asociacion Latino Americana de Ferrocarriles, located at Av. Belgrano 863, 1° Piso - 1092 Buenos Aires (Argentine)

Tel. (54 11) 4331 1298

E-mail: is member of UIC

07/06/02 The largest double-hull tanker ever built, - Mega ULCC "HELLESPONT METROPOLIS" entered in service for Hellespont Shipping Corporation

The second of four sister ships, built at Daewoo - Korea was delivered to owners this week. The first ship in the series, HELLESPONT ALHAMBRA, entered into service in March and the last two ships in the series - HELLESPONT FAIRFAX and HELLESPONT TARA to be delivered in the second half of 2002

The Hellespont Shipping Corporation,with over 50 years of ship owning and management experience, specialized in the technical and commercial management of oil tankers is an international group devoted to the safe, efficient and environmentally friendly transportation of oil.

Within the last year, the group ordered 4 Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC's) and 4 ULCC's newbuildings, placed at two of Koreas largest yards.

Very Large Crude Carriers (VLCC's) and Ultra Large Crude Carriers (ULCC's) are the largest man-made moving structures ever constructed. These vessels have an important role in the global transportation of crude oil, due to their phenomenal cargo capacities. Today, VLCC's and ULCC's are generally considered the most efficient means of transporting large quantities of crude oil over long distances.

The principle trading routes for Hellespont's supertankers originate from the Arabian Gulf to the Red Sea, North Western Europe and the Gulf of Mexico. Oil exports from the Middle East have historically dominated the demand for tankers due to long distances to the main consuming regions.

The size of these vessels permits significant cost benefits for charterers in the transportation of crude oil, which are maximised over long-haul routes.

Built at Korea's Daewoo yard to LR and ABS class, the vessels elevate standards for large tanker strength and speed and will have a number of unusual features, including full-time inerting of the ballast spaces for safety and corrosion protection.

As delivered the principal particulars are:

441, 893 dwt

loa 380 m

beam 68 m

draught 24.5 m

cargo capacity 513,684 cu m.

The engine is an HSD-Sulzer 9RTA84T-D, delivering 50,220 BHP at 76 rpm, giving a ballast speed of 17.5 knots.

03/06/02 Eurailspeed 2002 - Next 23, 24 and 25 October 2002 will be performed the high-speed train exhibition - 3 days of round tables, conferences and sessions on High speed trains

The Congress: Eurailspeed 2002 will comprise round tables, conferences and debates led by professionnal journalists and involving top international figures from all 5 continents representing the full spectrum of the business community. The central theme of the congress will be: "High speed rail, successes and challenges".

It will be an opportunity to focus on the various international projects, examine the state of the art on the technology front, look into public-private partnerships and explore the new markets opening up to high speed rail. The official languages of the congress will be Spanish, English, French and German. Japanese translation will also be available

The Trade Fair

The trade fair will be held in the ultra-modern surrounding of the Palacio de Congresos - Campo de las Naciones - Madrid and will feature:

- Manufacturers and constructors

- Operating companies

- Architects engineers and consultants

- Institutions, bodies and associations actively involved in the field of high-speed all keen to establish contacts with customers and suppliers

The high-speed train exhibition

High speed trains: a world reality In Chamartin station, from 23 to 27 October, an international display of the latest high-speed trains. Free public access from 25 to 27 October

Main features

50 countries represented - 1700 attendees - 700 journalists - 13.500 visitors to the trade fair - 170.000 visitors to the train exhibition

Contact: Union Internationale des Chemins de fer Eurailspeed 2002 16 rue Jean Rey 75015 Paris Phone: 331 44 49 20 43 Fax: 331 44 49 20 49 E-mail: